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Welcome to THE MEDIA section of Refugees101. This section aims to provide clarity. The topic of Asylum Seekers and Refugees is constantly being reported on within the Australian Media. This page aims to allow you to form your own opinion from reliable news sources. 

Social media platforms like Twitter and Facebook are a great way to keep up to date on hot topics, like asylum seekers and refugees. These platforms provide the public's opinions and if you become involved you can contribute and follow great conversations. Click on the links above to discover our own social networking sites.

Information on the topic of Asylum Seekers and Refugees is abundant, althought one of the downsides of the internet is that reliable information can be hard to find. Here are some great links to government bodies, non-government bodies and not-for-profit organisations that are involved:

These books are an interesting and entertaining way to broaden your knowledge on the issue of asylum seekers and refugees.


Adult Fiction: 

Under the Persimmon Tree (2005)
By Suzanne Fisher-Staples

​"This widely acclaimed novel explores the relationship between a young American woman and an Afghan girl, Najmah, who is all alone in Taliban-ruled Afghanistan. The story follows Najmah’s perilous journey through the mountains in search for safety and refuge in Pakistan."



A Thousand Splendid Suns (2007)

By Khaled Hosseini

"Set against the backdrop of the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan and the rise of the Taliban, this novel follows the intersecting stories of two Afghan women. It provides an insight into the lives of women in Afghanistan under the Taliban regime."


The Kite Runner (2003)

By Khaled Hosseini

"This novel tells the story of the friendship between Amir, the son of a wealthy Pashtun merchant, and Hassan, the son of a Hazara servant. It follows the flight of Amir's family from Afghanistan in the wake of the Soviet invasion and the persecution of Hazaras under the Taliban."




Adult Non-fiction:


The Happiest Refugee: A Memoir (2010)
By Anh Do

"One of Australia's best-loved comedians, Anh Do, depicts his incredible, uplifting and inspiring life story. In his memoir he tells of his family’s treacherous journey from war-torn Vietnam, surviving starvation and pirates in an overcrowded boat. He describes the pleasures and the pitfalls as he grew up in Australia as an outsider, and the struggles that his family faced. This heart-warming book captures Ahn’s gratitude for what he has, and his hope for the future."


Child Soldier (2004)

By China Keitetsi


"This is a powerful true story of Keitetsi, a child soldier who joined the Ugandan National Resistance Army at just eight years old. Her story details the abuse she suffered at the hands of her officers and how she finally escaped to Europe to start a new life. Now living in Denmark, she is an international campaigner on child soldiers."


The People Smuggler: The True Story of Ali Al Jenabi

By Robin De Crespigny


The true story of how an Iraqi man suffered at the hands of Saddam Hussein and spent years and years attempting to escape his own country to provide a safer life for his family. After many failed attempts Ali eventually finds himself in Indonesia, where the only way he can get his family to a safer life is through becoming one of the most trusted and honourable people smugglers Indonesia has seen. Ali's family has now been granted Australian citizenship as refugees, however Ali has been denied and is under constant threat of being deported to Iraq. 


'Books and novels on refugee and asylum seeker issues' Refugee Council of Australia'

Helpful Sites & Organisations

The Media plays a huge role in the formation of public opinion, and one of the key issues in how the public are sometimes misinformed is due to ‘Framing’. Framing is when a story or topic is portrayed or swayed towards one viewpoint.
Fairfax Media and News Corporation own the majority of Australian newspapers, like The Australian, The Sydney Morning Herald and The Daily Telegraph. This means Australia has a high concentration of media ownership, especially compared to other Western countries.
Through widening your media outlets and getting your information from multiple sources you may get a more holistic idea on a topic. Reliable online news outlets are a good place to start, they are constantly updated and provide many articles.









Facebook Links
These two sites represent both sides of the asylum seekers debate


Hazara Asylum Seekers
"HAS is a news blog which aims to provide updates regarding Hazara asylum seekers around the globe in general and about those en-route to Australia in particular."


"Are you sick of the illegals costing TAX payer's money, bringing the problems with them, join the group, show support, we can force the government to listen. This is not a debate over RACE or RACISM"

Helpful Blog Sites

ABC NewsAsylum Seekers & Refugees


The GuardianAsylum Seekers
(Custom Search Asylum Seekers
or Refugees for articles)


SBS NewsAsylum Seekers & Refugees


Crikey NewsAsylum Seekers
 & Refugees 


BBC News - Asylum Seekers & Refugees


Helpful and updated news sites

Hazara Asylum Seekers 

Hazara Asylum Seekers is a news blog which aims to provide updates regarding Hazara asylum seekers around the globe in general and about those en-route to Australia in particular.

GetUp! blogs news on asylum seekers


An independent movement to build a progressive Australia and bring participation back into our democracy.


Pearls and Irritations by John Menadue


Frequent blog posts on the topic of refugees and asylum seekers by an Australian businessman and public commentator, and a former senior public servant and diplomat.

Assorted Images...

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